1 : Jeff focus play
By taking advantage of Jeff the game becomes a little more sophisticated. Parts of this build will be grinding to give Jeff new abilities. With a better focus on Jeff you can expect the other cast to not to be as powerful, or for them to be more well rounded. 2 things Jeff can do well is damage and melee defense (df shower) so just make sure the rest of the cast will sustain and dps.
2 : Team Fire and Flash [Super Mario RPG]
A lot of magic will be needed for this team. Mario here becomes the tank. Give him lazy shell and lazy shirt and you'll come out ok. Go 10 damage, 10 health and 10 whatever with mario and you should coast to the finish.
3 : LOL lineup
Soraka support
Cho Top
Yi Jungle
Ashe ADC
Nasus Top
Viegar Mid
Vi Jungle
Kayle Top
Darius Top
Urgot Top
4 : Yi - LOL
split push champ
5 : Vi
sneak jg ad
trinity force , merc/ninja tabi treds, steraks, blood thrister, dmg chill jg item, maw
6 : soraka
attacking , kiting soraka
lich bane, nashroos, sorcers shoes, twin shadows, spell binder, zzrot portal
50 : Jeff focus play
By taking advantage of Jeff the game becomes a little more sophisticated. Parts of this build will be grinding to give Jeff new abilities. With a better focus on Jeff you can expect the other cast to not to be as powerful, or for them to be more well rounded. 2 things Jeff can do well is damage and melee defense (df shower) so just make sure the rest of the cast will sustain and dps.
Starting Attributes:
Guide Sections:
1) Bear FTW
Take on the shark gang at lvl 5 and the spider boss at lvl 10. When entering Twoson buy as many bears as possible and then rescue Paula. Doing some easy grinding at Happy Happy village is very good for Paula.
2) Jeff solo
Take advantage of playing some Jeff without the team and grind him to lvl 11. He should be able to then fix the magnum air gun.
3) Saturn
After Jeff enters the team the focus is to have as many bottlerockets as possible. In general fights should go as a 1 round offensive then a 2nd round with Jeff and Ness using items to heal while Paula finishes the team with magic. Go to Saturn and beat belch to advance the story. You dont have to defeat the sprout boss yet. Get the broken laser from the factory and try to fix it before going back to Threed. Also grab the broken machine from Apple kids house. Then Advanced to the desert and to Fourside.
* buy some bottle rockets before the zombie cave
* buy lucky sandwhich in Happy Happy village for pp recovery later
* buy some bottle rockets before the zombie cave
* buy lucky sandwhich in Happy Happy village for pp recovery later
4) Fourside and Mole Cave
After visiting fourside and talking to the runaway five go back to the desert and fight the moles. Take your time through this cave and get all the loot as there are some good defensive items. This is also a good place to level up just before Paula gets kidnapped.
5) Level Grinding and Monkey cave
When you go back to Fourside make sure you equip Ness and Jeff with the defensive items you just got from the Mole cave before Paula leaves the party. This is a good time to grind some levels on Jeff as youll get more xp as your party is smaller. Try to use this to get to a level where you can fix the broken gadget from the fourside junk yard.
After the visit to moonside visit the monkey cave and get Paula back.
make sure to bring the pencil eraser to the caves
for the monkey cave ,broken tube - picnic lunch (left) , web towel (right), Hamburger (left). For the end location get skip sandwich (right) , pizza (left) , then grab the protein drink chest go back , protien drink (right) , ruler (left) , after getting a king banana go back to pizza then use king banana (right)
After the visit to moonside visit the monkey cave and get Paula back.
make sure to bring the pencil eraser to the caves
for the monkey cave ,broken tube - picnic lunch (left) , web towel (right), Hamburger (left). For the end location get skip sandwich (right) , pizza (left) , then grab the protein drink chest go back , protien drink (right) , ruler (left) , after getting a king banana go back to pizza then use king banana (right)
54 : Team Fire and Flash [Super Mario RPG]
A lot of magic will be needed for this team. Mario here becomes the tank. Give him lazy shell and lazy shirt and you'll come out ok. Go 10 damage, 10 health and 10 whatever with mario and you should coast to the finish.
Starting Attributes:
Guide Sections:
1) Damage Mario
Because we are using Geno and Peach Mario will be our main damage dealer. Every time you level for the first 7 levels choose attack damage for mario.
86 : LOL lineup
Soraka support
Cho Top
Yi Jungle
Ashe ADC
Nasus Top
Viegar Mid
Vi Jungle
Kayle Top
Darius Top
Urgot Top
Starting Attributes:
Guide Sections:
1) yi
2) Chogath
Tanky CC with a little dmage mostly coming from the Ult.
* build rod of ages
* fiendish codex for cdr, first part of abyssal max for sustain
* ninja tabi, abyssal mask
* righteous glory helps with engages
* lyandris, twin shadows
* build rod of ages
* fiendish codex for cdr, first part of abyssal max for sustain
* ninja tabi, abyssal mask
* righteous glory helps with engages
* lyandris, twin shadows
3) Soraka
A backline support that provides some zoning and cc. CDR is important as well as a little poke threat and sustain.
* start with gold item and pots
* lost chapter and glacial shroud for CDR and magic
* Arden sensor and tear for healing
* finish Sephera's staff and merc treds
* Iceborn gauntlet and Morellonomicon willl add poke threat
* start with gold item and pots
* lost chapter and glacial shroud for CDR and magic
* Arden sensor and tear for healing
* finish Sephera's staff and merc treds
* Iceborn gauntlet and Morellonomicon willl add poke threat
4) Nasus
A damaging top that engages that likes to brawl.
5) Viegar
CC mage, CDR and movement speed are important.
* twin shadows and sorccer shoes for cdr and movement speed
* Ludens Echo for damage and movement
* banshies viel for cdr
* rabadons and spellbinder for damage
* twin shadows and sorccer shoes for cdr and movement speed
* Ludens Echo for damage and movement
* banshies viel for cdr
* rabadons and spellbinder for damage
6) Urgot
Top Urgot as an engage and cc unit with a little damage and slow.
* get page and first part of righteous glory for some cc and movement. Start with q for safe cs
* get boots and finish deaths dance
* finish righteous glory and boots for engage
* get page and first part of righteous glory for some cc and movement. Start with q for safe cs
* get boots and finish deaths dance
* finish righteous glory and boots for engage
7) Ashe
A cc adc that relies on poking and movement.
* parts of essence reaver and botrk for cdr and attack speed
* get boots and finish reaver
* finish botrk
* get cdr boots and rapid fire cannon
* get lord dominiks regards and blood thrister
* parts of essence reaver and botrk for cdr and attack speed
* get boots and finish reaver
* finish botrk
* get cdr boots and rapid fire cannon
* get lord dominiks regards and blood thrister
8) Vi
A damage and cdr Vi with a little tank.
* Start with cinderhulk and a boots to do 2 clears and then gank or dragon
* get first part of stieracks and maw and stinger to get some cdr and help with wave clear
* get merctreds and finish stieracks and maw
* finish with GA and trinity force
* Start with cinderhulk and a boots to do 2 clears and then gank or dragon
* get first part of stieracks and maw and stinger to get some cdr and help with wave clear
* get merctreds and finish stieracks and maw
* finish with GA and trinity force
9) Kayle
A utility, team fight, split push kayle. A little hybrid of tank and poke mostly to land a good ult and be annoying across the map.
* get tear to sustain lane
* Level 6 get boots, fiendish codex and stinger for cdr and attack speed
* Merc treds and nashroos for a little sustain and speed
* Ginsoos rage blade for more poke
* Rylias for CC and poke. This is a good time to split push
* get tear to sustain lane
* Level 6 get boots, fiendish codex and stinger for cdr and attack speed
* Merc treds and nashroos for a little sustain and speed
* Ginsoos rage blade for more poke
* Rylias for CC and poke. This is a good time to split push
87 : Yi - LOL
split push champ
Starting Attributes:
Guide Sections:
1) start
red and bot , then top , then ward , then back, then gank bot
2) drag or herald
vision for bot, clear bot jg, go to mid , start top jg , back
finish top jg, gank top , if successful then herald if not then mid to dragon or bot to dragon
finish top jg, gank top , if successful then herald if not then mid to dragon or bot to dragon
3) tower hunt
top jg deep ward invade
push mid wave , gank and push top wave
clear top jg, clear bot jg back
push mid wave , gank and push top wave
clear top jg, clear bot jg back
4) dragon two
gank bot, invade bot , deep ward , go dragon
88 : Vi
sneak jg ad
trinity force , merc/ninja tabi treds, steraks, blood thrister, dmg chill jg item, maw
Starting Attributes:
Guide Sections:
1) start
bot jg, invade bot jg, deep ward, crab, gank bot, start top jg , back
2) top camp
top jg, top invade, gank top, gank mid, gank top , top jg, start bot , back
3) herald
gank bot , bot jg, herald, to jg , back
4) open mid
bot jg , gank bot, gank mid , herald, invade top , top jg, back
89 : soraka
attacking , kiting soraka
lich bane, nashroos, sorcers shoes, twin shadows, spell binder, zzrot portal
Starting Attributes:
Guide Sections:
1) start
mg and heal. Poke and get some ap scaling
2) support mid
ward bot and dragon , rome between mid and bot and heal
3) dragon secure
push bot and secure dragon
4) help top
go top roam to bot, push waves
5) push mid
push mid and clear waves while warding jg
6) barron
secure top jg and ward for barron
7) force jg fights
ward jg and bait enemy team to go to you