1 : Trinket Troll
This playthrough is focused on daedric quests and doing some side missions concluding with the alternate main quest route. Use enchant as a primary means of combat along with other tools like alchemy and sneak.
Acquiring all the proyployn chamber indices and collecting books are secondary tasks of this playthrough. This character is a sneak explorer that keeps to himself. This character is about curiosity and knowledge not socializing or duty. Try to makes as much use of what you find. Try to stay away from cities and communication with NPCs as much as possible. One exception is visiting mages to purchase spells.
2 : Ninja-varine
A strong combat stealth focus build almost like a glass cannon. Agility and strength are the foundation. Then marksman and sneak are focused to add another dimension to the character. Alchemy is a supportive skill but later can be used for offense.
This playthrough involves the thieves guild with a sub plot of dismantling the Commona Tong. In addition the Twin Lamps quest is completed to add depth to the back story. This character is a spy for the empire. His goal is to end corruption in Morrowind and stabilize the region.
48 : Trinket Troll
This playthrough is focused on daedric quests and doing some side missions concluding with the alternate main quest route. Use enchant as a primary means of combat along with other tools like alchemy and sneak.
Acquiring all the proyployn chamber indices and collecting books are secondary tasks of this playthrough. This character is a sneak explorer that keeps to himself. This character is about curiosity and knowledge not socializing or duty. Try to makes as much use of what you find. Try to stay away from cities and communication with NPCs as much as possible. One exception is visiting mages to purchase spells.
Starting Attributes:
Guide Sections:
1) A Whole New World
From the start take the long walk to Blamora give the package to Caius and get some supplies. This will be the end of the main quest and the start of the alternate route. Purchase some essential spells and alchemy tools from the mages guild and then head to Suran. The traders in Suran will have some enchantments and soul gems to make the build stronger. Along the journey to Suran practice sneaking, enchanting and alchemy.
* Raise alchemy to lvl 44 as fast as possible to gain the ability to see to ingredients
* Speed, Intelligence and Strength are good starting stats to build a strong foundation on allowing you to carry more, make better enchantments and travel faster
purchase a shield spell purchase a soul trap spell purchase a damage spell to use for enchanting
* Raise alchemy to lvl 44 as fast as possible to gain the ability to see to ingredients
* Speed, Intelligence and Strength are good starting stats to build a strong foundation on allowing you to carry more, make better enchantments and travel faster
purchase a shield spell purchase a soul trap spell purchase a damage spell to use for enchanting
2) Bold Expeditions
From Suran there are two near by interesting places to visit. A Dwarven Ruin Mzahnch across the river east and a Dunmer stronghold of Telasero to the Northeast. Clearing out these places might require several trips back to Suran to replenish supplies. Purchase an Almisivi intervention spell in Suran to a return to the temple is easy.
Some invisibility positions and summon scrolls might be necessary for Telasero. This is a good place to catch some decent level souls to enchant with.
Some invisibility positions and summon scrolls might be necessary for Telasero. This is a good place to catch some decent level souls to enchant with.
3) The Magic Coast and Azura
Keep traveling along the southern coast first stopping at Molag Mar then Tel Branora. These two places should provide some alchemy and enchanting items to purchase as well as some new spells. After stocking up head north east from Tel Branora first to Mawia then to Azura's shrine. Mawia will be used as a temporary home to store books and alchemy tools. Azura's quest will send the player north to sheograd region. Since this build does not do much melee attacking it is not necessary to keep raising strength. Focus on endurance and agility will help more with defense sneaking.
try to purchase a mark and recall spell to make it easier to return to the temporary home
* Shimsil will be a nice tool to help with sneaking
* Enchant an item with fortify intelligence that will help create other enchantments
try to purchase a mark and recall spell to make it easier to return to the temporary home
* Shimsil will be a nice tool to help with sneaking
* Enchant an item with fortify intelligence that will help create other enchantments
4) Strong Foundations
Walk or take a boat to Sadrith Mora to purchase more alchemy and enchantment gear. In Sadrith Mora use any extra saved money to purchase some training in alteration and light armor at the corner club near wolverine hall. While in the area visit Tel Fyr and get acquainted with the inhabitants this will introduce you to the last Dwarf and a key NPC for doing the alternate quest route. From here head west to the coast to clear out 2 more dunmer strongholds.
Stronghold Falensarano: A bunch of witches to fight.
Stronghold Indoranyon: You can quickly get here from Falensarano with the stolen index from Tel Fyr. This place is full of Daedra worshipers
Stronghold Falensarano: A bunch of witches to fight.
Stronghold Indoranyon: You can quickly get here from Falensarano with the stolen index from Tel Fyr. This place is full of Daedra worshipers
5) To the End of the World
Keep the path north visiting Vos and eventually ending up at Dagon Fel. There is a tower near the town housing a necromancer. Kill the necromancer and loot the tower. Any items stolen from Tel Vos and the Necromancer's tower will provide a lot of money that should be used for training skills that will increase endurance. Near Dagon Fel the stronghold of Rotheran can also be pillaged. Use Rotheran as the new storage home, it provides a bed with multiple crates to use and access to a Prypolon chamber.
* make a better enchant assistance tool: fortify intelligence and luck 0 to 100 for 3 seconds
* make a better enchant assistance tool: fortify intelligence and luck 0 to 100 for 3 seconds
6) Uncovering Northern Treasures
Keep exploring the Sheogorad region. There are some Dweamer ruins and Daedric shrines to uncover. During this time Azura's quest can be completed as wells as Malacath's daedric quests started. At this time start spamming alteration spells and trying to use shield spells in battle.
Places to visit: Mzuleft Rayna Drolan's Shack Assurdirapal Llirala's Shack Valenvaryon, Falasmaryon strongholds Druscashti
* Make sure to enchant an item with damage health because Hungars near Drolan's shack will be immune to elemental damage
Get some training in light armor to bring defense up.
Places to visit: Mzuleft Rayna Drolan's Shack Assurdirapal Llirala's Shack Valenvaryon, Falasmaryon strongholds Druscashti
* Make sure to enchant an item with damage health because Hungars near Drolan's shack will be immune to elemental damage
Get some training in light armor to bring defense up.
7) Stop in Vivec
Vivec has some side quests and a Sheogorath shrine. In order to do the alternate route to the ending a reputation of 20 is required. Stock up on enchanting gear at the Televanni canton. The Sheogorath shrine is at the bottom of the St. Delyn canton.
* purchase or make an enchantment of summon ancestor ghost to help with enchanting and recharging items
* purchase or make an enchantment of summon ancestor ghost to help with enchanting and recharging items
8) Up the coast
Continue up the west coast visiting Hloamaren and Berandas as well as completing Malacath's quest. At the very north west tip of the island is Yasammidan where Mehrunes Dagon's quest can be started. Stop off in Gnisis pick up the Berandas propylon index.
Keep training on light armor and alteration to help with defense.
Keep training on light armor and alteration to help with defense.
9) Lap Number 2
Make a second lap around the island to close Azura's, Malacath's and Sheogorath's quests as well as collect all of the propylon indices. Near Maar Gan is the daedric shirne of Maelkashishi where the Falensarano Propylon Index can be found. Yansirramus is east of Falensarano and is where Molag Bal's quest can be started.
* Purchase another batch of spells to use for enchating including a fortify Health spell
* Purchase another batch of spells to use for enchating including a fortify Health spell
10) Hero Relics
In order to perform the alternate ending reputation must be at 20. Complete the first 2 missions of the main quest. At this point nightmares of Dagoth Ur should start. This will unlock the sleepers awake quest where all the House Dagoth Lords can be killed gaining some reputation and good loot. Also complete the Boethiah quest to collect the last Daedric weapon. The Boethiah quest requires some in game time to pass. In the mean time advance the main quest to get some reputation points.
* creating an absorb health enchant will be smart to deal with the reflect abilities of the enemies
4 Dagoth Lords:
* Dagoth Hlevul in Assemanu
* Dagoth Fovon in Hassour
* Hanarai Assutlanipal in Ald'ruhn
* Dagoth Draven in Subdun
Then talk to the sleepers to get a reputation reward:
Alvura Othrenim, in the Arena Waistworks in Vivec Eralane Hledas, in the St. Olms Canal North-One in Vivec Nelmil Hler, in the Redoran Waistworks in Vivec Relur Faryon, in the Hlaalu Canalworks In Vivec Vivyne Andrano, in the St. Delyn Waistworks in Vivec Dralas Gilu, in Pelagiad Llandras Belaal, in Balmora Rararyn Radarys, in Balmora Assi Serimilk, in Maar Gan Daynasa Telandas, on the Arano Plantation Drarayne Girith, in the Plot and Plaster in Tel Aruhn Dravasa Andrethi's, in his house in Ald'ruhn Endris Dilmyn, in his shack in Khuul Neldris Llervu, in Suran Vireveri Darethran, in Ald Velothi
* creating an absorb health enchant will be smart to deal with the reflect abilities of the enemies
4 Dagoth Lords:
* Dagoth Hlevul in Assemanu
* Dagoth Fovon in Hassour
* Hanarai Assutlanipal in Ald'ruhn
* Dagoth Draven in Subdun
Then talk to the sleepers to get a reputation reward:
Alvura Othrenim, in the Arena Waistworks in Vivec Eralane Hledas, in the St. Olms Canal North-One in Vivec Nelmil Hler, in the Redoran Waistworks in Vivec Relur Faryon, in the Hlaalu Canalworks In Vivec Vivyne Andrano, in the St. Delyn Waistworks in Vivec Dralas Gilu, in Pelagiad Llandras Belaal, in Balmora Rararyn Radarys, in Balmora Assi Serimilk, in Maar Gan Daynasa Telandas, on the Arano Plantation Drarayne Girith, in the Plot and Plaster in Tel Aruhn Dravasa Andrethi's, in his house in Ald'ruhn Endris Dilmyn, in his shack in Khuul Neldris Llervu, in Suran Vireveri Darethran, in Ald Velothi
58 : Ninja-varine
A strong combat stealth focus build almost like a glass cannon. Agility and strength are the foundation. Then marksman and sneak are focused to add another dimension to the character. Alchemy is a supportive skill but later can be used for offense.
This playthrough involves the thieves guild with a sub plot of dismantling the Commona Tong. In addition the Twin Lamps quest is completed to add depth to the back story. This character is a spy for the empire. His goal is to end corruption in Morrowind and stabilize the region.
Starting Attributes:
Guide Sections:
1) Balmora and Friends
Clear the first bandit dungeon outside Seyda Neen. Transport to Balmora and introduce yourself to Caius. Before doing the first main quest buy some armor and potions from the mages guild. Once the first mission is done restock and do the second main quest mission. The beginning of the build will be focused on keeping fatigue high and raising the long blade skill.
Using the Adeline rush daily power will provide the necessary strength to sustain the early levels
* make sure to get a silver or an enchanted sword to make sure you can defeat ghosts
2) Making use of money
Before proceeding with the next main quest join the thieves guild and complete all the Balmora quests for them. This is require test in speechcraft, sneaking and security. This build starts with a very low speechcraft skill. It is advisable to spend some money training speechcraft to lvl 15 or 20. This can be done in the bottom of the thieves guild base in Balmora. There are a couple of the missions that require taunting and bribing characters so a higher speechcraft skill makes this much less cumbersome.
* use fire salts and sload soap to make fortify agility potions
* use some trainers: sneak 30, alchemy 25, speechcraft 15
* strength 80, agility 90
3) Ald Ruhn and Ashlanders
Anvancing the main quest will take to to Ald Ruhn where you will be able to also continue the thieves guild quest. Make sure to increase your security skill before robbing the mages guild in Ald Ruhn so you can make as much money as possible from that quest. After speaking with the Ashlander informant continue the main quest to meet the Ashlanders. Agility should be around 90 at this time so points in intelligence are important to allow you to use trainers for security and alchemy.
* strength 100, intelligence 45, endurance 65, agility 90
* security 35, sneak 35, alchemy 25
4) Divine and Diseased
The main quest continues with visiting a dangerous base which contaminates you with Corpus. There is a lot of loot here so its all worth it. Also the next quest cures you of Corpus and there is a lot to steal from that place as well. The next step is Milo taking you to Holamayan to begin the final third act of the game. Purchase intervention spells from Balmora and get some training in mysticism. The teleporting will speed up the rest of the main quest.
5) Master Thief
Go back to the thieves guild quest and finish it. This might require placing a lot of money in light armor training to unlock higher thieves guild ranks. There is a trader in Maar Gan at the lower level of the trade house that will is the master trainer in light armor. These quests should provide a good amount of loot. When doing the final quest to kill the Dren Plantation enforcers make sure to free the slaves as well.
* long blade 75, light armor 70, alchemy 40, sneak 50
6) Nerevarine
Its finally time to complete the main quest. With the intervention spells and levitate potions it should to take too long to visit all the necessary locations.
7) Preparing for Tribunal
fortify intelligence potions, training marksman, alchemy, unarmored,